Nothing interesting has happened today, no more booger drama, but I did wash the dog. He is frantically ringing the bell at the back door so he can suss out the grossest thing in the yard and roll in it. No dice, dog. You're staying clean if the sound of that damn bell kills us both.
Here's another thing. I know you're reading this; my google analytics tell me that I get between 40 and 60 visitors a day (God only knows what you see in me) but Where are your comments? I need some comments, people! I need to know you're really out there! You don't have to be witty, you can be anonymous, you can just say, "present" like you did in Bio all those years ago. She's back in school, I'm alone in this house all day,and I need to know that I'm talking to SOMEONE.
Hitting a needy patch, I guess. How many calories are in half a pineapple? And, why is it, when you have cut up a whole pineapple, one piece is delicious and another piece isn't? When you have a tasteless melon, the whole thing is a waste of time, but every bite of pineapple is like a little surprise.
Yeah, I got nothin'. Except to say... Everybody's doin' it, doin' it, doin' it, pickin' it and chewin' it, chewin' it, chewin' it...
I read your blog now. It's funny. 40 to 60 people, though? I think your google analysts might be pulling your leg, sister.
Personally, i think you should update more frequently.
Well, I am here, on occasion and I enjoy you, Monica. ;)
So for some reason I am now able to leave a comment (perhaps because I joined and created a blog which I will likely never update (obsessivelytechmama)... At any rate, we're here!!!
Present, every day.
me too.
I know the pineapple answer - I just learned this the other day. The bottom of the pineapple is sweeter than the top - sometimes decidedly so. So the bottom slices are yummy sweet and the top ones - not so much. Now back to your regular scheduled programming.
Alice! You have solved a major mystery for me! Thank you!!
reading this is something i truly look forward to
like I said, this little tidbit of knowledge was recently shared with me too. Who knew??
LaSta in the house
I'm outing myself.... I check your blog multiple times per day to see if you've updated. I think I found you via E's Facebook page.... or maybe LO's.
reading your blog makes my life look exciting in comparison.
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