Then I girded my loins and armed myself with paper towels, rubber gloves and a trash bag. I managed to clean up only the pile of puke on the seat before I had to run to kitchen sink and barf myself. The dog barf didn't even stink, it was just SO GROSS. I considered calling my neighbor to clean up the barf for me, but thought that might be pushing the good neighbor thing a little too far. He has disposed of rodents that my cat has brought to the door, but barf is a whole other thing. Then I called Rob at work and described my predicament. He is in charge of all things stinky-poopy in this house, including animal vomit, after all. He sympathized, but would not leave work early to clean the puke, that bastard.
So I put the rubber gloves back on, augmented my supplies with an old, damp dish towel and went to work. I almost puked again, but managed to stay in control. It is cleaned up now, but I'm really regretting not having gotten this sofa scotch guarded.
Does anyone know how to deep clean sofa cushions? Who do I call? Can I bring them in some place? I've always had slip-covered sofas, and never bothered to wash them.
It is a really good thing that I like this dog. Ugh...
Speaking of gross things, have you ever heard of tonsil stones? Ugh...
The offending animal in less disgusting times...
Hey girl! So sorry to hear about the "puke" on your sofa. YUCK! Zoe threw up on our den sofa when she was in pre-school (just after tomato soup, so just imagine) and I did have that sofa scotch guarded (but it is apple green and a solid color so there is still a slight stain). I called my carpet/fabric guy and he told me to use Natures Miracle (you can get it at any pet store). Test it on your sofa first in a small spot. It takes the odor out. I put paper towels in between the fabric and the cushions right away and soiled the top fabric part of the cushion. There are directions. You can also go on-line and there are many tips and solutions you can use as well. Hope that helps and again, I feel for you. Throw up and poop are the two things I hate about being a parent!
Thanks Jackie! I think I got most of it up, but the natures miracle is a great suggestion!
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