I locked myself out of my house yesterday. Grabbed the wrong set of
keys as I walked out the door, and the neighbor who has the spare key
wasn't home. So I tried a couple of windows thinking, they're cheap-ass old aluminum windows, one of them will budge.
Nope. So then I remembered the one other time we had to break into
our house and how we did it, but it required me to get the ladder, and
figure out how to open it since it is a new-fangled thing and I normally
am not the one in my family who climbs ladders. Then, I managed to get
one window open, but realized that the ladder was too short for me to
really hoist myself into the house. I could lean into the window, at
around my ribs, but there was nothing for my feet to push off of. So I
got off the ladder and started circling the house like a tiger on the
outside of a cage who really wants to get into the cage, and all this
time my dog is freaking out inside wondering why I wont come in, and I'm
sweating like a pig from climbing up and down a ladder and forcing
windows. This same dog is unfortunately too short to get the other set
of keys off the hook, and even if he wasn't, he doesn't speak much
English as evidenced by the blank stare he gives me when I tell him to
Finally, I decided that if I wanted to get in the
house, I was going to have to go back up the ladder and figure out how
to throw my body through the half open window. I climbed back up,
leaned into the window, and just started willing my body to go through.
I somehow made it far enough in so that my hips were resting on the
window sill, my hands were stretched down to the floor like a push-up,
and my legs were flailing around sticking out of the side of the house.
The heater vent is right under this window and it was blowing hot hair
onto my already over-heated body, my hair was in my face, and my dog was
now going completely apeshit and alternately barking in my ear and
licking me, and I couldn't push him away because a) he would come right
back and b) my head would hit the wood floor and I'd probably get a
concussion. So I stayed like that for a while, wondering between dog
licks how I was going to get in the house without breaking my legs, and
then I just went for it and wiggled the rest of the way in and fell on
the floor. I wasn't hurt, the dog and I were both relieved, and I went
right outside and hid a spare key.
1 comment:
haha, gives you mixed feelings, right? like damn, i can't break in...but neither can anyone else! glad it all worked out in the end.
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