This is gonna be gross, so gird your loins. More cat drama.
I'm down one cat, but Loathsome Black Cat is still around and is slowly re-establishing her previous post at #1 kitty. I made the mistake of mixing the late kitty's special kidney kibble with her regular kibble, and now she's got the runs. She has started sleeping in the house during the day, filling my need to have cat hair on the couch, and two days this week, around 11 a.m. she's shit in the bathtub.
I appreciate that she does it in the bathtub, and not on my rug or my bed. It smells so bad. I want to try to get her to use the litterbox inside again, but not if she's gonna pollute it like that.
The way I found out that she had crapped in the tub was that yesterday I hears strange noises coming from the bathroom and found my dog "cleaning" the tub for me. God, dogs are so disgusting. An hour later, he puked on the afore-mentioned rug. Three times. Not cool, dog.
At least today when she made her tub visit the dog was asleep and I caught it in time. So nasty. Nothing like gross cat poo and even grosser dog vomit to make you get over euthanizing an animal.
Oh my. Dogs can be soooo gross. We have neighborhood cats that visit our yard, and our dog Flynn eats they're dried droppings. It is a little funny, though, because sometimes he walks around with one sticking out of his mouth and it looks like he's smoking a cigar!
Oh my. Dogs can be soooo gross. We have neighborhood cats that visit our yard, and our dog Flynn eats they're dried droppings. It is a little funny, though, because sometimes he walks around with one sticking out of his mouth and it looks like he's smoking a cigar!
We call that Kitty Roca...
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